awrighty ppl iss is ma second site my other site is stull up n running tull a cin be arsed taking e pages aff is site wull be much dif fae my other 1 the other 1 went well u can stull get on on <
!! Site update troopz !!
!! HuLlO tRoOpZ mA SiTeS gEtInG uPdAtEd ThE nOo Sa UlL jUsT nEeD eH wAiT eNoO aM dUn SiGn ThE tAg BoArD iTs jUsT RiTe NeXt Eh IsS sIgN e GuEsT BoOk AwRiGhTy TrOoPz Ma sItE wUlL bE Up AnD RuNiNg By ThE EnD o iSs WeEk EnEfTeR At iT WuLl bE Up dAtEd eVeRy 2 wEeKs JuSt AdDeD A GaMeS PaGe oN It pPl